Welcome to the entry for Round 6 2021 Festival of Superkarts - State Final.
Please read information below the poster.

Hi Drivers,
Finally we have a confirmed race meeting at Phillip Island on the 13th & 14th of November.
It will still be the Festival of Superkarts, but will be for a “Victorian State Title” due to the borders still be closed (except for NSW). This meeting will also include the final round (six) of the VSKC Championship which is the opportunity everyone was looking for to finish up this year’s championship.
There will be 2 separate groups on track (class combinations to be confirmed) and separate practice, qualifying and 4 heats of racing.
If you have already entered and paid for the Festival we will need to give you a refund or a credit for next year (let us know whichever), if you have not paid, the entry is slightly cheaper than the original Festival entry.
If you entered and paid for the round 6 Club round that was to be in September, we would like you to re-enter in the Festival portal and we can transfer any payments over to this entry. Obviously if you paid $250 for that meeting you will need to top up your payment with the correct amount (senior-$150, Student/junior-$120).
We have set up a new entry for this event (to clean it all up) so if you had previously entered for the Festival please do another entry to help us out.
We have also attached the extra forms for everyone to fill in, drivers and crew which are MA indemnity forms as per previous race meetings. At the time of putting these entries out no ruling has been confirmed on vaccination for entry to the circuit. We will keep you all informed as we find out anymore information. It would be fair to guess that maybe double vax will be in place by then.
Garages for this event will be as we normally do on a club day, just roll up and park in front of the garage you want. We ask that you all try to pit in the middle garages (not the big ones) and the Club will cover the cost for all competitors.
The race committee look forward to seeing everyone back racing at Phillip Island.
Entries will close (10/11/21) so don’t delay putting your entry in!
Please make sure you fill out all the members of your pit crew on your online entry.Everyone entering the track will need to check in using the QR codes supplied as per government regulations.
Drivers please note:
- Please ensure you read the sporting regulations available Superkart Supp Regs Nov.pdf
- When filling out your online entry please fill out all areas required, this will help to make our job a little easier.
All drivers need to download and fill out the following attached forms,
- Motorsport Australia - Self Scrutiny Checklist motorsport-australia_self-scrutiny-checklist-race.pdf
- Motorsport Australia - Self Scutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance.pdf
- Motorsport Australia - Risk Warning and Disclaimer motorsport-australia_disclaimer.pdf
These completed forms (hard copy) need to be brought to check in and given to the race secretary as part of your entry.