Welcome to the entry for the 2021 National Festival of Superkarts.
Please read information below the poster.

The organisers are looking forward to the biggest National meeting at Phillip Island for years. Covid is still giving us challenges to work around but hopefully things up north open up closer to the date.
Interstate entrants should also stay up to date with regard to Border permits:https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/victorian-travel-permit-system
There will be a Saturday night gathering at the Arthur Phillip motel where the Pole Position awards and random draw prizes will be given out. The Club will be putting on a BBQ and nibbles, so let us know in the entry if you intend to come and enjoy the night with all the other drivers and crew. This is a free event but you will need to BYO your own drinks. Please let us know if you are attending!
Entries will close one week (6/11/21) before the event so don’t delay putting your entry in!
kPlease make sure you fill out all the members of your pit crew on your online entry.
This is a no spectator event so if you have family and friends who want to attend the event, please tell them to let the person on the gate know that they are with the Superkart racing and whichever team.
Everyone entering the track will need to check in using the QR codes supplied as per government regulations.
Thanks to JMR Bricklaying and KJB Accountants and Business Advisors for sponsoring “reduced entry fees for Interstate drivers”, we will have $100 rebate for entrants from Queensland and $50 rebate for entrants from NSW and Sth Australia. This will be as a first in best dressed situation and the organisers will make the final decisions.
Drivers please note:
- Please ensure you read the sporting regulations available AUGUST ACCESS Approved.pdf
- When filling out your online entry please fill out all areas required, this will help to make our job a little easier.
All drivers need to download and fill out the following attached forms,
- Motorsport Australia - Self Scrutiny Checklist motorsport-australia_self-scrutiny-checklist-race.pdf
- Motorsport Australia - Self Scutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance.pdf
- Motorsport Australia - Risk Warning and Disclaimer motorsport-australia_disclaimer.pdf
These completed forms (hard copy) need to be brought to check in and given to the race secretary as part of your entry.
Friday practice is available and can be entered via the MA event entry system here: https://evententry.motorsport.org.au/MyEntries/entry
Don’t book a garage for Friday as this will be done on the day. Garages for Friday practice at the Superkart end of the pits will be $280 for the day, this can be shared. You can stay in your garage for the weekend. Garages for Saturday and Sunday are included in your entry.
Scrutineers will be checking helmets and apparel at check in, please make sure your race suits are current and CIK02 approved. All details on apparel are in the MA manual.
P platers can run at this event.